sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2020


This kind of virus suffered mutation to infect human being. They have like ancestral, probably, virus parasitizing bats animals.
The virus type appeared for the first time in china. This country, showed a great economical growth, for the last decade.
China adopted the market capitalist system   and this favored the creation of a great world economic center.
When compared with humans, the coronavirus genome, shows a simple and unique small ARN chain.
The ARN it is involved by a lipidic doble layer. From this layer appear the protein spikes. They unite to the specific lungs  receptors.
The facility to unite at lung cells, aims to explain the high velocity of contamination which it is called, communitarian, when there are contacts between people and objects.
To wash the hands with soap, decrease the pandemic disease. The detergent dissolves the lipidic  layer and inactive the toxic particle.
The objects in a general sense, transports the virus. All of them, must be sanitized using  alcohol gel to clean them from this poison.
The clothes needs to be daily washed  too. The shoes sole must be bathed whit sanitary water and saved in a place out of home.
The virus produces inflammation and thrombi in the systemic micro circulation, promoting shortness of breathe, cough, sore throat, fever, and so on.
Because of this, the treatment it is favored with the use of anticoagulants e anti-inflammatories like corticosteroids.
Drugs anti retro viral and hydroxycloroquine and azithromycin, are usefull under medical prescription.
Anothers cautions, like people isolation,  remaining in theirs houses, assists to contain the  contamination number cases.
       Therefore, it is important to search balance between the health and the economy. The risk people, isolated, it is a good combat.
Controversials, with party policies adoptions, in this crisis time, create all type of difficulties.
During spanish flu (1918) it was used a hat to protect the hair. At that time, the social detachement offered good results.
Equally, nowadays we can indicate the same. The social detachement to combat the Covid 19 disease,  avoiding crowd of people.
Walmirton Thadeu D’Alessandro
Retired professor/ Federal Goiás university
Biomedic/biologist/ Brasília university
rsidade Federal de Goiás

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