The vírus word’s, from latin idiom, means poison fluid,
or toxin. It is a cell parasite.
The known virus different species make up a total of
All of them feature a similar structure. In a general
sense, they have a protein cover. Inside of them, they have ARN, ADN molecules,
or then, both of these genetic materials. Therefore, they are acellular
They reproduce only in the cell interior. To make this,
they need some cells materials like the hyaloplasm and the ribosome.
There are several biological mechanisms to enter the
cell. Some common examples, among others, consists to grip cell wall and to
inject the genetic material. Also, the cell can to use a biological process
called phagocytosis. The
cell material, allows protein synthesis and the multiplication of the genetic
viral content. Near the finish of this metabolism, the virus can cause the host
and specific cell destruction.
The Covid 19 it is from a corona family. This corona word,
it is from spanish language and it means crown, due to the your wrap cover
form. This virus it is from China and spread all over the world infecting
humans causing fear and diseases.
Many people believes that chinese habit to eat exotic food like rats, snakes,
bats, and so on, without a sanitary control, it is responsible by this
contamination of the human being in the whole world.
It is known, since many years ago, that animals as the
bats are a reservoir of this virus type. Unfortunately,
from 1958 and 1962, during Mao Tse Tung time, occurred a severe hungry state all
over the country, which induced people mass death. From this epoch, it appeared
this bad habit. Many persons nourish from this unusual form. To get meals, they
use all kind of animals.
When the human body is invaded by this toxin, it
informs the presence of the viral infection, unleashed several reaction and
symptons: 88% of the persons, get fever, 68% dry cough, 38% fatigue, 19%
shortness of breath, 4,7% of respiratory insufficiency.
It is
believed that near 60% of all infections are from people proximity. There are persons
who have the virus and are asymptomatic. So, it is recommended to stay at least
2 meters of distance among the persons. This helps to hamper the contagion.
The isolation position it is a good measure once there
is no vaccine or others medicine well studied to treat the new disease. The
hydroxychloroquine study it is still in course.
Others contagion possibilities are the contact which
occur in the eyes, nose and mouth by the droplets from speech, cough or
The virus
may be present in surfaces like cheeks, hands and others objects like shoes,
clothes keys, and so on. Because of this, it is necessary to wash the hands
with frequency e to use alcohol in gel too.
The old
man makes part of a risk group because beyond to have less energy due to a
lower metabolism when compared to young people, your immunological system
responds lower to the virus infection. This fact gives to the toxic particle
advantages to invade the cell.
The use of
masks are good to sick persons or then, to those who works in health’s area.
But, anyone can use it because of the air’s virus propagation
about the question between the health and the economy, it is important to note
that equilibrium point must be found. It is obvious the jobs and the work
allows and facilitates to fight against any virus family.
Who knows
the best procedure would be to take care of the population according to
statistics data from the people ages. Below 60 years, the persons would be released,
above, would be isolated participating in quarantine.
Walmirton Thadeu D’Alessandro
Full retired professor/ Federal Goias University
Biologist/Biomedic/Brasilia University
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